Posts by Tracy James
Salary Sacrifice, Super and Tax
If you are in a high tax bracket this option could be an attractive option to boost your retirement savings.
Read MoreThe Importance of Consulting an Accountant before Buying a Business
I believe that if you don’t consult an accountant before starting or buying a business maybe you should not be in business.
Read MoreFour Ways Accountants Are Destroying Their Practices
Accountants, like all business owners, can become complacent and run down and destroy their practices profitability and eventual sale value. The four most common ways to destroy accounting practices are: Failing to reinvest in the business. There can be the temptation in business to run it excessively lean and draw all the cash out and…
Read MoreCorporate Immortality
As corporate immortality is impossible, instead companies need to focus on five things.
Read MoreFive Strategies to Grow a Compliance Practice
Compliance based accounting practices that want to grow their practice revenue and be financially rewarded should: Firstly, recognise that the world has changed and that compliance based services will not have the demand and profit margins that they have historically had. As the compliance fees revenue is stagnating or falling the costs of providing the…
Read MoreDigital Disruption Affecting Compliance Accounting
Unfortunately for compliance based practices, the technology and digital disruption affecting many industries is starting to impact on the compliance accounting practice. Compliance fees in some practices are starting to fall year in year out, and for other practices basically stay stagnant. In either situation, both of these outcomes will reduce practice principals profits over…
Read MoreWhy Have Compliance Services Been So Profitable?
Compliance services have traditionally, and currently still, account for between ninety to one hundred percent of the fees revenue of the majority of the twenty five thousand accounting practices in Australia.
Read MoreWhy Every Accountant Should Be Using Cloud Accounting
Every accounting practice should be using cloud accounting for their practice for three reasons:
Read MoreTax Implications of Australian Tax Resident vs Foreign Resident
Regardless of which visa you may have entered Australia; whether temporary or permanent employment, study, business or investment visa, it is essential for you to understand your tax compliance and obligations in Australia.
Read More7 Predictors of Business Success
On average, 44 small businesses are closing their doors each day according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics data.
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