Business    Page 11

Category: Business

car tax

My car and tax, what can I claim as a business owner?

As a business owner, you can deduct the following expenses for a vehicle carrying less than one tonne and fewer than 9 passengers: fuel ...

 Property tax reform

The states are asking the Australian federal government to adopt a new property tax system offering flexibility to home buyers. A buyer would be ...
Melbourne train station

Victorian Government Small Business Digital Adaptation Program

The Victorian Government announced some grants late last year but did not open them up for application until earlier this year. The Victorian Government’s ...

Accounting for cryptocurrency transactions for tax purposes

Cryptocurrency is a digital asset in which encryption techniques regulate the generation of units and verify transactions on a blockchain. Cryptocurrencies are usually independent ...
smal business

$2,000 Small Business Lockdown Assistance Grant – WA

Lockdowns, even short ones can have a huge impact on small business. If you are a small business, it is essential to understand what ...

How can a small accounting practice back up their data on a budget?

Backing up your practice data is essential. Loss of data can cause irreparable damage to a small accounting practice.  The rule of thumb is ...

Debt servicing costs should not exceed 30 per cent of income

Debt is useful for buying assets and leveraging to increase our wealth. But how much debt is too much? For the average Australian, debt ...
Successful people

Surround yourself with success

Whether in your personal life, or business, you are only as good as the people around you. Choose successful friends and circulate with high ...

How to setup an emergency fund

It is important as part of your monthly savings strategy to set aside a specific amount to build up an emergency fund.  Life is ...

Exchange traded funds (ETFs) – Growing your money in a zero interest economy

Exchange traded funds (ETFs) offer a low cost, hassle free method to grow your savings with less risk than owning ordinary shares on the ...