Business    Page 22

Category: Business

business failure

Top 7 Reasons Businesses Fail

Although every business is started with optimism and hope, the reality is creating a profitable, successful business is tough. Statistically, 30% of businesses fail ...
toyota hilux ute

Top 10 Tax Deductible Utes

Utes used for work or business purposes will create tax deductions such as depreciation, lease payments, fuel, repairs, insurance, cleaning, and registration. The percentage ...

Phoenix Company

A phoenix company is a commercial entity which emerges from a collapsed insolvent entity. The new company trades under the same or similar name ...
black economy

2018 Federal Budget Targets the Black Economy

Australia’s black economy is a growing economic and social problem. It undermines the community’s trust in the tax system, creates an uneven playing field ...

Cashless Society

A cashless society exists when financial transactions are conducted not with money in the form of physical banknotes or coins, but rather through some ...
black economy

The Black Economy

The black economy is a clandestine market or transaction that involves illegality. This includes the drug trade, counterfeiting, prostitution (where prohibited), smuggling, illegal currency ...
GST tax gap

$5 Billion GST Tax Gap

The tax gap is an estimate of the difference between the amounts the ATO collects and would have collected if every Australian taxpayer was ...

Nurses Rated Most Trusted Profession

The Roy Morgan Image of Professions Survey 2017 found that nurses topped the list of the most highly regarded professions. Over 94% of Australians ...

Company Incorporation Costs Slashed

Australia currently has 2.5 million registered companies and incorporates another 600 new companies every day (on average). Companies are a popular business/investment structure as ...
Somber woman with Unbrella

Garnishee Notices

Garnishee notices are a tool used by the ATO to collect outstanding tax debts from delinquent taxpayers. It is normally only used by the ...