Business    Page 25

Category: Business

client satisfaction

Five Factors Affecting Client Retention

The five factors affecting client retention are client satisfaction, client delight, client switching costs, client relationships, and client service standards. Client satisfaction - Unsatisfied ...
client retention

Client retention

Client retention is really any activity that a practice undertakes in order to reduce client losses. Client retention is about exceeding the client’s expectations so ...
the trouble with debt

The Trouble With Debt

The three ways accountants can get in trouble with debt financing their practice are: Using short term debt to make long term investments. Doing ...
compliance tax agent

Funding Established & Expanding Practices

Established practices have less funding needs than new practices as they are well established and producing ongoing revenue that covers the practice costs and ...
Practice investment

Funding New Accounting Practices

Accounting practices, like all businesses, require funding to start, operate, and grow. The funding requirements of practices vary depending upon whether they are a ...
Money back gaurantee

Service Guarantee

The 18th century entrepreneur Josiah Wedgewood pioneered the satisfaction-or-money-back guarantee as a marketing strategy on the entire range of his pottery products. He took ...
new services

Introducing New Services to Existing Clients

This strategy is about creating new services that you can provide to your existing client base.  It is similar to the low hanging fruit ...
low hanging fruit

Selling Existing Services to Existing Clients

For a practice wanting to achieve organic growth this strategy is best described as ‘low hanging fruit’. It is simply about ensuring that every ...
good office

The Effect of a Good Office on Productivity

Productivity studies show that the most significant factor in determining an employee’s ability to focus is their physical environment. A well-designed office can increase ...
accounting software tools

Value Adding Software Tools

Value adding software tools include modules on budgeting, scenario planning, business planning, valuations, profit improvement, tax planning, risk management, etc. There are an almost ...