Business    Page 27

Category: Business

Failure to change

Practice Sin 4 – Failing to Change  

As the business environment changes, practice owners must change. The ‘old’ ways of doing things must be changed when technology makes the new ways ...
accounting hobby

Practice Sin 3 – Operating the Practice Like a Hobby or Vocation, not a Business

Operating an accounting practice can be very personally rewarding and satisfying as principals have the freedom of being their own boss plus the satisfaction ...
Training and development

Practice Sin 2 – Underinvesting in Personal Professional Development & Training

Too many practice principals do not take the advice of Stephen Covey (Seven Habits of Highly Successful People) and spend the time to ‘sharpen ...
scott morrison

Abolition of Tax Deductions in the 2017 Federal Budget?

The Federal Government is once again looking at the abolition of work related tax deductions. Why? Because there $16 billion annual cost would go ...
Sturgeon's 90 percent

Sturgeon’s Law – 90% of Accountants

Sturgeon's revelation - commonly referred to as Sturgeon's Law, is an adage commonly cited as ‘ninety percent of everything is crap’. It is derived ...

Sturgeon’s 10% of Practices

If a Purple Cow practice is not achievable, then being part of Sturgeon’s 10% of practices would still be a worthy goal. This would ...
practice investment

Practice Sin 1 – Failing to Reinvest in the Practice

The number 1 sin for an accounting practice is failing to reinvest in the practice. There can be the temptation in business to run ...
strategic planning

Importance of Strategic Planning

A business strategic plan details the methods by which a business sets out to achieve its objectives. Typically a business strategy will cover a ...
SMSF options

SMSF Advice Options

At June 2015 the ATO advised that there were 556,998 self-managed super funds in Australia with 1,049,840 members. During the 2015 financial year 32,073 ...
focus strategies for accountants

Focus Strategies for the Accounting Industry

Two focus strategies for the accounting industry include narrow service line and customer segmentation. The narrow service line involves practices providing a very narrow ...