Business    Page 7

Category: Business

myTax Accountant

Should I use myTax or an accountant?

If you’re an individual with a simple income from an employer and nothing to claim, you may decide to lodge your tax online through ...
Annual wage growth

Wage Price Index, Australia (WPI)

The Wage Price Index Australia (WPI) is a measure of the cost of labour not considering compositional changes in the workplace such as part-time vs full-time employment. ...

Am I human or computer?

What you’re reading right now is written by me. But am I human or computer? Chances are, you’ve read multiple articles this year written ...
Melbourne tax reform

The Howard government was the last to make any real tax reform

The Howard government’s incentive based GST tax policy was Australia’s last substantial tax reform that stood the test of time. Why? Because it increased ...

Prison! The consequence of failing to lodge tax returns and BAS

A Western Australian doctor, has been sentenced to seven months in jail for failing to lodge 18 income tax returns and business activity statements ...

What costs more than champagne and Chanel No.5 perfume? Ink!

At $8296 per litre, standard black HP ink for your home printer costs more than champagne, designer perfume and human blood according to Choice. ...
Petrol price

The double-edged sword of inflation

  We are experiencing record inflation (3.5% in Australia) (7.9% in the US and similar in Europe) resulting from the pandemic, global unrest, supply ...

The government wants you to spend big on tech!

The 2022/23 government budget allows small businesses to claim a 120% tax deduction on tech investment. For example, if you bought a $100 software ...

Australia has spent more than it earns since 1901

A budget deficit is when a government spends more money than it earns through tax and non-tax revenues. The Australian government with a few ...
accident insurance

Do I really need insurance?

For most of us, our human brain optimistically assumes bad things will happen to others but not to us. This survival wiring allows us ...