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Category: Personal finance

super fund tax

30% tax applies to super fund balances greater than $3m

From the 1st of July 2025, the future earnings of super fund balances greater than $3m will be taxed at 30%. Currently, these earnings ...

What does the Australian government spend your income tax on?

Percentages vary from year to year based on changes in government policy and the economy but most recently, the highest percentage of funds from ...
pedigree trust

Protect your assets with a pedigree trust

A pedigree trust (also known as a linear descendant's discretionary trust) is a type of discretionary trust established to ensure that the property of ...
Education FBT Exemption

FBT exemption for retraining and reskilling staff

Employer expenditure on retraining and reskilling redundant (or soon to be redundant) employees is exempt from FBT. The education or training is not required ...
working from home

5 advantages of staff working from home

Having staff work from home reduces office space requirements and reduces rent. Additional advantages include: Increased talent pool - companies can hire the best ...
credit card hacking

What is credit card hacking?

Influences promise a lifetime of luxury and free travel anywhere in the world! What is credit card hacking and is it all it’s cracked ...

Top 5 financial resolutions!

Quit the pub – Some of us spend up to $200 on a Friday night at the pub. There were 52 Fridays in 2022 which ...

Five ways to keep your budget in check this holiday season

More than any other holiday, the festive season places financial pressure on our budgets. This year will be a real challenge considering inflation and ...
Houshold spending

Why is household spending going up?

Talkback radio will have you believe Australia is in the grips of an affordability crisis. Interest rates keep rising and inflation is at 7.6%. ...
stock buyout

Why don’t stocks trade at their buyout price?

When a company announces they are being bought out by another company at an exact price, say $10 per share, often the share price ...