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Communication – the most important part of a business continuity plan (BCP)

During a crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic, we focus on survival. Businesses strip back and place every resource they have into the critical areas of the business to keep things going. They have to innovate, do things differently than before, and survive. But sidetracked by survival, we risk neglecting the most important part of a business continuity plan; communication.

Communication with our staff, communication with our stakeholders, and communication with our customers. If we don’t get this right, our business will fail. Good news or bad news, our staff, contractors, suppliers, and customers need to know. Communication is the most important tool to get business through a crisis.

Staff need to know what is expected of them. Some may require assistance beyond work such as time off to care for children or counselling. Find out what your staff need so that the critical functions of your business are not interrupted.

Your clients’ lives will have changed during a crisis. You need to not only communicate the changes to the way your business operates to your customers but also find out how their lives have changed so that your business can adapt to serve them better. Talking to your customers is an essential part of a successful BCP.