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   Blog    Government Targets $50 Billion Black Economy

Government Targets $50 Billion Black Economy

The ‘Black Economy Taskforce’ report released in October 2017 shows the black economy has grown to 3% of GDP (up from 1.5% in 2012).

The report provides solutions or options to combat the black economy. The Government’s objective is to create a level playing field which enables the lowering of taxes, and ensures all businesses and employees are treated fairly. The reports high priority recommendations are:

  • A $10,000 economy-wide cash limit is introduced.
  • All wages must be paid into a bank account (to increase transparency).
  • Undocumented contractor payments and wages are non- deductible.
  • Introduce a reporting system for sharing or gig economy operators (e.g. Uber, Airbnb).
  • Expand the taxable payment reporting system to additional high-risk sectors.
  • Strengthen the ABN system to reduce fraud.
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