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Twisted Tax Tales Book

Twisted Tax Tales paperback


35 bizarre and twisted tales about accountants

Writers from across the globe entered our Twisted Tax Tales Short Story Competition, as a fundraiser for the Save the Tasmanian Devil Appeal.

Writers were asked, to give the stereotyped accountant, often perceived as a boring bean counter and desk dwelling cruncher of numbers—a brand new lease of life, by revamping their dull persona and spinning a masterful tale that would make them … interesting!

This anthology includes the $10,000 prize winning story, a further top 24 stories selected on merit and an additional 10 by popularity through Facebook voting.

In this diverse and clever compilation you will find murder, mystery, the supernatural, revenge, humour … and a lot more.

Join the crime solving duo in winning entry, ‘A Tidy Summation’. Be afraid, and expect to be challenged in ‘Accountant Dracula’. What would you wish for in ‘Selfish Wishes’? Fixated on working and making ends meet, perhaps ‘The Provider’ will make you think again. Who is ‘Anna Cow Tent’? Into pets in the workplace, then read the quirky ‘Mr Holt’s Magical Duck’. What happens when a bean counter meets a modern day Rapunzel?—find out in ‘The Rapunzel File’…


Twsited Tax Tales Book




Get your copy here:

Twisted Tax Tales through Vivid Publishing


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