small business    Page 2

Tag: small business

exit plan

Business exit planning

Business exit planning prepares for a business's eventual sale, transition, or discontinuation. It involves creating a comprehensive plan to maximize the value of the ...

Location, location, location

Choosing a business location is crucial for several reasons: Visibility and accessibility: The location of a business can significantly impact its visibility and accessibility ...
business premises

Benefits of buying your business premises.

Buying their premises can offer several benefits to businesses, including: Stability and control: Owning your premises provides stability and control over your business location. ...
small business

How does inflation affect small business

Inflation can have various effects on small businesses, and these impacts can be both positive and negative. Here are some ways in which inflation ...

What is a buy-sell agreement?

A buy-sell agreement, also known as a buyout agreement, is a legal contract that outlines the terms and conditions under which the ownership interest ...

10 reasons to buy your business premises

Buying their premises can offer several benefits to businesses, including: Stability and control: Owning your premises provides stability and control over your business location. ...
4 day work week

Increase productivity and reduce costs with a four-day work week

A four-day workweek is a workplace arrangement whereby employees work four days per week rather than the customary five. Typically this involves having Monday ...
Education FBT Exemption

FBT exemption for retraining and reskilling staff

Employer expenditure on retraining and reskilling redundant (or soon to be redundant) employees is exempt from FBT. The education or training is not required ...
working from home

5 advantages of staff working from home

Having staff work from home reduces office space requirements and reduces rent. Additional advantages include: Increased talent pool - companies can hire the best ...

Crowdfunding for fast growing businesses

Innovative fast growing businesses needing to raise additional capital. Crowdfunding involves using the internet and social media to raise funds for specific projects or ...